Every child has a wish.
The wish for a healthy life, the wish for a chance to live. Kids Health is one
of the major challenge that every parent faces, it’s not just about child’s
heath it’s about child’s health safety. Keeping your child safe is your top priority.to protect
your child from various disease is not that easy, and for that the vaccinations
and doses have come up. For the first time since 1960 record had made,
the number of deaths of young children have fallen below 10 million a year,
according to figures from the United Nations Children’s Fund. The new born infants are very sensitive and
therefore they easily attacked by the germs and their disease.
Infant mortality in India is as high as 63 deaths per 1,000
live births. Most infant deaths occur in the first month of life; up to 47 per
cent in the first week itself. While the Infant Mortality Rate showed a rapid
decline during the 1980s, the decrease has slowed during the past decade.
Children in India continue to lose their life to vaccine-preventable diseases
such as measles, which remains the biggest killer. Tetanus in newborns remains
a problem. However, the proportion of children who receive vaccination are now
higher den earlier. The ministry has said under the universal immunization
programme (UIP) that vaccines against rotavirus, rubella and polio virus
vaccines free of cost in government-run hospitals.
The issue regarding infant health is existed since long time
and due to lack of vaccinations causes’ death of child. This blog is made to
aware and to help people about numbers of child health disease, issues,
precautions and vaccinations with the symptoms to keep your child safe form
such hazardous disease.
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